I look into those big eyes, he has so much to say,
you don't need words to be heard, he talks to me anyway,
to some , he's just a boy in a chair, but he's real,
he see's all going on around him,what his eyes don't picture, he feels,
don't underestimate what goes through his brain, he takes it all in,
just look at his face, touch his hand, just the lucky ones, he lets in,
to his world of lovingness, and joy, he judges noone,
and for those who feel the need to judge him? they just don't know better,
and he will always forgive , its narrow minds that don't know him ,
he is our society, hes in your world, out and about, and look carefully, there are more ,
I get that some don't see with their minds what I know,
and I learned thats ok,my mind has been opened, and im so greatful for,
all this he's brought to my life, no its not always easy,
but the greatest things, they never are, but we make it through it
and for a boy who can only sit in a chair,he can stand so tall,
he's the bravest little man, bravest I know, stronger then all,
He's a boy with special needs, the needs are great,can't be met by all,
but the special is the boy, and child that lives inside,
a tiny boy yes, but look at his life, he's not soo small.