like most kids with special needs, sleep seems to be the common issue mo matter what kind of need the child has.
My boy certainly has his share of sleep issues.
Most of the time, its just when he's not feeling good, he tends to be awake alot during the night when he's sick, im right there by his side, not just cause he needs me too, but cause as well, im very worried about him when he's not feeling well, I need to be by his side to make sure every minute he's ok.
Even when he is sleeping, I get up to check on him, turn him so he's not stuck in one position all night, and give him soem water so he doesn't get too dry, (an advantage to g-tube fed kids, is I can give him a little flush of water and not disturb his sleep) i suction him if needed, though the one advantage to him sleeping is he requires little if any suctioning.
He does how ever have this little habbit about every couple weeks or so, sleeping all day, from about noon till just about bed time, (and when I say sleep, I mean a freight train running through the middle of the living room is not going to wake this sleeping beauty) but you can count on by bed time, he's wide awake and ready to rock...ALL NIGHT LONG!
wich means more suctioning, turning, and just plane checking on him...ALL NIGHT LONG! but hey, what are you going to do right?? just means I require a little (and by little I actually mean ALOT more coffee the next morning)
yesterday was one of those days, he sleep alll day, but it was also one of those days where I was suffering from a terrible headache, I had it all day, every so often (at least twice a month I get them) no advil, Tylonal takes these headaches away, I just have to plane suffer:( but the show must still go on, I still have 3 kidws to look after, so we still went to the park, and our after supper outing, last nights outing was a walk, 2 kids sharing one scooter cause my poor 4yr olds broke on him on our way, out, so trying not to disapoint everyone, I had my daughter share hers, they would just have to take turns, and you can imagine how that turned out!yepp, lots od arguing, but we did it anyway, by the time night rolled around I was feeling completely drained and tired from this on going headache, the only thing I wanted to do was crawl in bed close my eyes in the dark and sleep! in peace and quiet,
but sure enough a little while just before bed time, my boys eyes POP wide open! looks like he was ready to party!
" oh, Johnathon, why this night of all nights"?I asked
oh well, I put him to bed at his usualy time, I can barely keep my eyes open they hurt so bad, I thought to myself,"this is going to be a looong night"!,
I put him down and went and layed down, checked on him once, suctioned as needed, I said," mommys so tired, can you please to go sleep so mommy can rest tonight?"
I went and layed back down, not even 20 minutes later I went to check on him and...HE WAS SLEEPING!!!!!
he heard me!!, he must have known mommy wasn't feeling well, and really needed some sleep,and decided to be kind to me and go to sleep!
waking up the next morning to no headache and a very bright eyed and happy boy!
He just makes everything right in my world, im so blessed everyday and truly happy he's mine:)
All 3 of my kids are my blessing, I truly have one of each, my Daughter(7) my boy (4)
and my special needs son(5) who really puts the special over the need!